There are so many reasons to join our spiritual collective.

Inquirers are encouraged to attend a public Temple Service, Integration Circle or Potluck! The initial Membership Initiation Application is available at public services or you can contact us online with the button below.

Being a member of a Temple or Church, or any other Faith-based, Religious or Spiritual focused organization is an expression of ones beliefs and cultural practices. It is about community, communication, connection, and creative inspiration. Our community is Earth-based, meaning, we provide connection to the Earth, to Nature, and the Spirit(s) of Divine Expressions of a cosmology that is primarily communicated, and embodied in practices that are Nature-based, or composed of reciprocating and inter-connected relationships between Humanity and the Greater-Then-Human worlds we often refer to as “Nature” or “Spirit”.

We are Non-denominational; this means anyone is welcome to initiate and gain access and insights from our syncretic faith, provided they know and understand the religious and cultural commitments, devotions, and dedications are an expression of their individual faiths, and it is their human right as sovereign beings exercising their religious freedoms, and self-determination, to choose for themselves wether this path alights with their values and other religious devotions.

All entheogens are sacred to our faith and our church, however our focus is on Sacramental use of cannabis and mushrooms.
We believe that mushrooms were associated with the first spiritual or religious experiences of our species and that direct mystical and religious experiences are a uniting force that can bring individuals closer to their expressions of God, their own Soul, and their truest understanding of Faith.

Local Community Network

It all begins with community. From there we develop a shared culture, shared practices, shared language and understanding of symbolism and meaning.

Members Only Access

It blossoms and unfolds in shared education, celebration, rites of passage, and network of like-minded individuals.

1-1 Sessions, Group Ceremonies, Special Events and Entheogenic-focused Education

It can take many different paths, many different connections, many different experiences to find the rhythm and rituals that are most effective and transformative for you and your individual spiritual practices.

Temple Organizational Structure

Inquiry: The initial period before you decide to formally enter the Temple Membership. You're asking questions and checking it out, but aren't yet ready to commit.
An Inquirer may:

  • Attend Public Sunday Service or Public Integration Circle

  • Engage Ministry Services - Public Ceremonies, rites-of-passage, end-of-life, guidance and spiritual counseling

Novice: Those who decide to enter the Temple. In this stage, you're developing your faith and are being "catechized" — learning catechism, or the basic points about faith and life.

  • Volunteer at and attend non-sacramental community events such as potlucks and community gardening

  • Access Introductory Educational Materials via website

  • Micro-dosing individual prayer practice; building faith

Candidate: Previous experience with initiation-level doses of Sacrament in Sacred Space; Novice that has completed Candidacy Criteria.

Purification and preparation for Initiation: The Temple ministry will help you focus and intensify your faith as you prepare you to commit your Initiation (Dieta).

  • Dieta (a specialized diet protocol, conducted over a per-determined time, which is Opened and Closed with the aid of a Sacramental Teacher) as a focus of will, determination and dedication

Initiate: The culmination of the process; you receive the initiation ceremony, and during the next Monthly Ceremonial Mass or Seasonal Ceremony, you'll receive the sacraments of initiation:

  • Baptism (Florida or Rose/Lily Water),

  • Confirmation (anointing in sacred herbal oil), and

  • First Holy-Communion (Consecrated Sacrament).

Mystagogy: After reception into the Temple this period lets you reflect and learn more about the mysteries of the Mass and the Sacraments that you now participate in fully.

Members: Members have access to all Events/Classes, Cultivation Circles, and Ministry Education  

Events: Seasonal Ceremonies, Garden Parties, Retreats, Special Interest Classes, Cultivation and Herbalism Trainings

Cultivation Circle: Network of growers, genetics, seed exchange, and Community Supported Herbalism model 

Ministry Education: Facilitation/Integration, Spiritual Frameworks, Resourcing, Earth/Nature-Centered, etc. (Rubric for gauging progress towards ordination.)

Board of Councilors: Trusted community leadership, passionate individuals, connections, resources, wisdom-keepers, Traditional and Indigenous lineage teachers.

Board of Ministers: Ordained clergy; oversee ministry services, cultivate, consecrate, deliver Sacrament and Services.

Board of Directors: Officers, entrusted with filing papers and with being the public facing interface with Temple affairs.