Resources & FAQs
Public Temple Services, also called public gatherings, include music, movement, and community discussions. These are inclusive "open-house" events, for inquirers and the faithful to come attend a guided prayer-circle. Each event features a local Musical Guest, a Community Educator, Song-circle, as well as a Children's Program leader and Minister of Ceremonies (MC).
Attendees need only be sincerely and authentically in pursuit of their individual spiritual and religious path. Public events are inclusive and nondenominational. They are a place for community to gather, and are open to those who are interested in inquiring into Nature-based, Earth-centered spiritual and religious practices. Those with Memberships can share in Entheogenic Ceremony, including rituals of Sacrament, Rites of Passage, and Initiations into the the Temple Mysteries.
We prefer the use of "Entheogens," or "Entheogenic Sacraments" when describing the materials utilized in ritual and ceremonial spaces.
We believe that Entheogens were manifested through Divine Creation in order for all beings, regardless of religion, race, sex, or gender, to facilitate communion with the Divine, Nature, and Self.
Through the ceremonial and sacred use of Entheogens, our Temple Congregation Members are able to access the truth of their Divinity from within.
Individual practitioners are welcome to privately take their own Sacrament, a "microdose" of their Patron Teacher, and participate in Community Circle. Temple Members who have completed Novice Candidacy and Initiation can be granted Communion Sacrament, and its associated rituals, at Public Services.
Many of our individual experiences have shown us that the sacramental use of Entheogens, within an appropriate spiritual context, far from being a dissociative experience for the mind or detrimental to the health of the individual or of society, is, on the contrary, an activity beneficial for the expansion of consciousness, and in turn, positive for the purposes of our individual spiritual quests.
We believe our love and connection to all things is enhanced and better understood through the sacramental consumption of Entheogens. More specifically, sacramental consumption of Entheogens often evokes mystical experiences, which takes us to higher spiritual realms/dimensions where we interact with the Divine Creator and other spiritual entities. This higher spiritual realm can become more accessible for humans through the sacramental use of Entheogens.
Temple Services are provided by the contributions of our community. We are only able to efficiently and effectively organize events and community networking with your support.
Each event has as Suggested Contribution. For our Public Services, we ask that each attendee contribute toward the rental of space and compensation for service providers of Song, Music, Children's Programs, Education, and Ministry Leadership.
The suggested sliding-scale for Public Services (gatherings) is $15-25 per adult, and $5-10 per child in attendance with Children's Programs. Although financial contributions are highly encouraged and deeply needed, no one is ever turned away due to lack of funds.
Absolutely! Public Temple Services are family-friendly events, with specific Children's Program leaders in attendance with community youth. There are Nature-based educational components, spiritual teachings, and community space indoors, as well as the adjacent park for play and learning. Children are also welcome to sit in the community circle, in attendance with their parents or guardians, provided they do not overly distract from community rituals.
For those Inquirers who are sincerely interested in entering the Temple Congregation Membership, signups are available at Temple Services, and on this website. Signing up is a Declaration of Intent, a display of Sincerity of Faith, in which an established practitioner becomes a Candidate (for Membership), and one unfamiliar with Entheogenic Sacraments becomes a Novice.
This Rite of Passage is a process of intake and education, in which the Dedicant attends Membership Orientation Events, and develops direct relationships with Congregation and Ministry Members.
No, of course not. No one is required to, nor is coerced into taking Entheogenic Sacraments. It is a process an individual undertakes within themselves, and with outward displays of dedication and faith. These steps are taken in the loving and empowering container of community and ceremony, as part of practices which unite us as individual practitioners of Earth-centered, Nature-based Self-realization and Self-actualization traditions.
It is because of our Entheogenic spiritual and ecological practices that we come together, and so ceremonies and rituals acknowledge and honor these truths.
If you are interested in sharing and service positions, such as leading Song-circles, Musical Guest performances, Children's Programs, or Educational Speaking, we would love for you to fill one of these roles in upcoming Temple Services.
Sign-ups are available at Services, and by inquiry with Temple Ministry. You can also send us an email at
Yes, Temple of the Garden is a Nonprofit, Faith-based organization, a 508(c)(1)(a) Faith Based Organization (FBO) is a religious, non-profit, tax exempt organization.
Your donations cover the expenses of Temple Services, Ministry, Education, and Community Development. They are tax-deductible contributions, for the Spiritual Intangibles received from the experiences and revelations inherent in Temple Practices and Community Services.
If you are being called to make a significant donation to our Community Development, please contact Temple Ministry or Board Members.
Temple of the Garden is part of a growing movement of concerned and impassioned activists and collectives who are committed to changing the politically-motivated repression, persecution, and prosecution of persons for their use of and relationships with Entheogenic substances, and of the continued pharmaceutical exploitation and cultural criminalization of the Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Eastern, Western, and Indigenous Lineages and Wisdomkeepers.
If you would like to join us is the coalition, we are working locally and nationally with Decriminalize Nature, a national non-profit 501(c)4 organization, which works to provide an educational campaign, informing individuals about the value of Entheogenic plants and fungi, and organizes localized groups in advocation of City Councils and Mayoral Offices passing local resolutions decriminalizing Entheogenic plants and fungi.
We are what is termed a syncretic religion; one combining or bringing together different philosophical, religious, and cultural principles and practices from diverse origins.
This is because people are diverse, and come to congregations from a wide range of backgrounds, religious upbringings, cultural heritages, and lineages of tradition.